Misfit Apparitions are...


Ernest acts as the team’s spectral bridge, a human strongly connected to the realm of the tormented and the wandering dead. He formerly lived in a haunted house, where his gifts lead him to witness horrific events that put him on this path of investigative intrigue. His sensitivity to paranormal phenomenon is unrivaled on the team and his cool and patient temperament serves as the magnetic force of the Misfits. He is the primary promoter of the team both in person and on social media.


Don is the team’s spirit scholar and historian, with a wicked curiosity in uncovering the stories and lore tied to each investigation. Mysterious murder houses, grizzly ghost sightings, and other-worldly occurrences are the subjects of obsession for this researcher, with his studies serving as the Misfit's intel on locations and events. He is the team “inbetweener” with his logic grounding him in skepticism but his morbid fascinations driving a pursuit of the unknown.


Mike is the skeptic, the tinkerer, and unfortunately…. the team’s bait for the beyond. He uses his uncanny technological prowess and ingenuity to modify, upgrade, and create a variety of ghastly gadgets and demonic devices that assist in the Misfit’s investigations. As the true skeptic of the team, Mike’s quest for paranormal proof often leads him to volunteer for assignments that put him directly in the path of dangerous spirits and into the darkest depths where evil lies. Will his willingness to be lure for the vengeful and the damned end in a gruesome, untimely demise?


Krystal became interested in the paranormal field at a very young age as she experienced many strange and unexplained things such as premonitions of death of individuals. But it wasn’t until her mid 20’s that she began to research and investigate the paranormal. Krystal has been ghost hunting for a decade, with most of her investigations conducted independently. She believes life is not just a series of events and unconnected thoughts and events, it is her mission to understand the unfolding narrative the universe holds.

Contact us

Questions? Comments? Concerns?  Please let us know!

If you believe your home has an unwanted apparition (or two, or three) and you would like us to investigate, please let us know.  There is never a charge for our investigation.  We would be happy to help!

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About us

Misfit Apparitions is a team of paranormal investigators and specialists, bravely committed to researching, discovering, and communicating with displaced souls, ghosts, poltergeists, demons, and any manor of other-worldly entities separated from the beyond.  Established in June 2021, these mild- mannered hunters of the unknown and unexplained share occupations in the Texas education system.  But by night, they are charged with spectral assignments and mysterious missions that would break even the strongest of mental and spiritual resolve. Fear that which lurks beyond the darkness and the cold, what awaits could be destiny… or perhaps death. This is Misfits Apparitions!